2001 NBBR 242 (NBQB)

In 2001 NBBR 242 (NBQB), Ms. G was a 24-year-old woman who phoned 35 young girls aged 11-17, one adult and one teenage boy pretending to be a one of two men, Mr. G and Mr. M, in order to engage in sexually explicit conversation with them. Ms. G was a single mother with learning difficulties. During these calls, she encouraged the young girls to touch themselves sexually. She also exchanged letters and gifts with the victims. The relationships with the people she called lasted between a few weeks to close to a year and many believed they were in a dating relationship in which Ms. G could be very controlling. On some occasions, Ms. G threatened to send someone to harm the person she was speaking with or commit suicide if she at-tempted to end the relationship. One of the parents of the girls called the police to report the behaviour. Victim impact statements described the trauma, humiliation, and lack of trust that resulted from these offences. Ms. G pleaded guilty to 36 counts of identity fraud, five counts of invitation to sexual touching, and one count of uttering threats to cause bodily harm. She was sentenced to two years less a day to be served in the community, 100 hours of community service, 2.5 years of probation, as well as orders to attend counselling and programming, remain in the jurisdiction, abstain from drugs or alcohol, provide a DNA sample, not be employed in a position of authority of persons under the age of 14 and not be in contact with the victims.


Criminal Offence(s): Identity Fraud